

Dutchsemcor-tools is a collection of functions that operate on the annotation log dump file to extract various types of information and analysis. Different scripts are given in the script folder. These scripts are also provided in the data files that are produced by these scripts.

The dump of the log file is in the form of of comma separated file:


1,WR-P-P-H-0000000256.p.8.s.1.w.12,aardig,aardig,,a,,SoNaR,r_a-9035,Jan,N,2010-02-16 23:56:00

2,WR-P-P-H-0000000245.p.2.s.2.w.11,armen,arm,,n,,SoNaR,,Dirk,U,2010-02-17 09:34:08

3,WS-U-E-A-0000000292.p.3.s.5.w.5,armen,arm,,n,,SoNaR,r_a-8804,Dirk,N,2010-02-17 09:38:54

4,WS-U-E-A-0000000292.p.16.s.1.w.13,arm,arm,,n,,SoNaR,r_a-8804,Dirk,N,2010-02-17 09:39:02

5,WR-P-E-J-0000119226.p.1.s.2.w.8,armen,arm,,n,,SoNaR,r_a-8804,Dirk,N,2010-02-17 09:39:02

6,WR-P-E-J-0000047065.p.2.s.5.w.14,armen,arm,,n,,SoNaR,r_a-8804,Dirk,N,2010-02-17 09:39:03

Depending on the script other input files and parameters are required. In each script, the input parameters are explained.

dutchsemcor-tools is compiled on Mac OS X version 10.6.8 with Java 1.6. It depends on the CornettoExportParser library for processing the Cornetto database (also provided in this distribution).

(Download dutchsemcor-tools.zip)

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